Sunday, 28 August 2011

My family members!

The Hydrologic Cycle

The Mediterranean Sea

In the Mediterranean Sea, I spotted my family members! I feel so relieved to see them again! They told me that they were like me, who precipitated and fell into one of River Nile's tributary and continued their journey here. I know that my family and I will not stay in the same place forever because of the Hydrologic Cycle but one thing i know for sure is that, they will always be in my heart.

From your favourite water droplet,
A picture of me! :D

I'm reaching the river's mouth!

This is a photo of River Nile's Delta, which is also the River's mouth.

When I was at the Nile delta, I thought that the delta looked so much like a lotus flower when seen from above! Amazing!

Anyway, I would like to explain to you how deltas are formed. Deltas are formed from the depostion of the sediments carried by the river as the flow leaves the mouth of the river. The deltas formed is a large area of rich, fertile soil.

At the Nile's Delta, I saw bigger sediments like sand deposited at the shore but smaller sediments like fine silt and clay were deposited later on when the river flows further. The Nile's delta divides itself into West and East sections, with the Nile dividing into two main distributaries, the Damietta and the Rosetta, flowing into the Mediterranean at port cities with the same name.

Uhhhh ... I think i'm going to flow into the Mediterranean Sea now!

Floodplains !

This is the floodplain formed after the heavy rain previously!

The formation of a Floodplain:

According to my friend - cherrylet , she says that Floodplains are usually at the lower course of the river. It is made by a meander eroding sideways as it travels downstream. When a river breaks its banks and floods, it leaves behind layers of rock and mud, thus gradually building up to nearby flat valley floor. Floodplains contain sediments, often extending below the bed of the stream. The sendiments include sand, gravel, loam, silt and clay.

The meander and its oxbow lake

This was the meander and its oxbow lake I spotted during my journey down the river!

The formation of a meander and its oxbow lake:

Well, this was what my new friend, Harr20 told me - A meander is formed when the moving water in a stream erodes the outer banks and widens its valley. The river stream of any volume may assume a meandering course, alternately eroding or wearing away sendiments from the outside of a bend and depositing them on the inside. The result is a snake-like pattern as the stream meanders back and forth across its down-valley axis. When a meander gets cut off from the main stream, the two gets seperated from each other , thus forming an oxbow lake.

Oh my! It's starting to rain again! I will write again soon! See you next time!

The waterfall!

Whew! I just fell over several waterfalls at the higher course of the river and i even took pictures of them using my little water-proof DSLR camera! :D

 Anyway, let me explain how a waterfall is formed. They are formed when there is a band of harder rock lying across a band of softer rocks. The river is able to wear away the softer rock downstream more quickly than the hard rock. As a result, a step is formed where the soft rock used to be. I wonder what i will experience next!

My adventure!

As my friends and i fell, we went our separate ways...
We dropped into 3 different types of tributaries, the White Nile, Blue Nile and the Atbara, some of us seeped into the ground (this process is called infiltration), some absorbed by plants and some of us got evaporated even before they reached the ground, I  did not even get to say goodbye to them! -sigh-

Anyway, I landed on river nile's tributary, the white nile and i shall describe to you the courses of the river !

At the upper course of the river, the gradient was steep. The velocity was fast and the volume was large. 

At the middle course, the gradient was gently sloping. The velocity was slower and the volume was large.

At the lower course, the gradient was flat, the velocity was slowest and the volume was small.

Anyway, I have just experienced a waterfall! Ughhh, I feel exhausted! I shall describe about them later! See you!

Saturday, 27 August 2011


Today, Cloudauntie told us that she became too heavy to float in the atmosphere, carrying billions of tiny water droplets at the same time. Sadly, we needed to precipitate and fall down as rain or snow. As we fall, some of us might be evaporated before it reaches the ground.

I think i'm starting to percipitate now ........ AAAaaaaahhhhhh ! Will tell you about my adventure next timeeeeeeeeeee !



This is Cloudauntie(:

My home!

The surface of the water at river nile ~
Today, i felt bored at home, so i asked some friends, Dongshui and Gabqua along to play some games at the surface of the water with me. Sununcle gave out too much heat today while we were playing catching.
I suddenly felt light,
then i got lifted off the ground (my friends were experiencing the same too),
and we turned into a water vapour! We then condensed onto fine dust particles, forming tiny water droplets in the atmosphere. Billions of us formed clouds and cloudauntie took care of us there.
I knew this was part of The Hydrologic Cycle, but I miss my family members, i hope i can meet them again!

A short introduction

Hello everyone! I am a water droplet and my name is KenH20. I live in the River Nile and My geography teacher, MrsKhohdroplet, assigned us to record our adventures as a water droplet, so i created this blog!