Sunday 28 August 2011

I'm reaching the river's mouth!

This is a photo of River Nile's Delta, which is also the River's mouth.

When I was at the Nile delta, I thought that the delta looked so much like a lotus flower when seen from above! Amazing!

Anyway, I would like to explain to you how deltas are formed. Deltas are formed from the depostion of the sediments carried by the river as the flow leaves the mouth of the river. The deltas formed is a large area of rich, fertile soil.

At the Nile's Delta, I saw bigger sediments like sand deposited at the shore but smaller sediments like fine silt and clay were deposited later on when the river flows further. The Nile's delta divides itself into West and East sections, with the Nile dividing into two main distributaries, the Damietta and the Rosetta, flowing into the Mediterranean at port cities with the same name.

Uhhhh ... I think i'm going to flow into the Mediterranean Sea now!

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